The Pain is killing yet no one cares my strength and beauty grow day by day as they are covered by these tormentors they have come now to take me away, away from everyone to a place where I will only see them. The pain has filled me as I’m dragged my family forgets me before I have even left how did it come to be this way? “Harrison Bergeron” by Kurt Vonnegut Jr. is a telling of how equality and order can go far over the line of being fair.
This story is about, if you have not guessed, Harrison Bergeron. A rebellious 14 teen year old, not only is he a genius he also is strong and good looking, but this is hidden by metal, masks, and technology. Handicapping, as one would call it, made people the same as everyone around them; it seems like torture to be forced to wear such things. It would be degrading and embarrassing to be seen as the ugliest, gorgeous, strongest, weakest, smartest, or dumbest by this action. Then the people lose their own ability to think and object, the horror, leaving those higher up to order us and say that competition is bad and equal is good. But not a bit of this is equal; it’s a boring life like living with no color or living in medieval times, no fun and all pain for all who are smart, pretty, or strong enough for it.
Now you see Harrison he is the high point in humanity but his mother Hazel is the unfortunate low point. her thoughts are short busts she forgets right after seeing something, just all the low points for a humans in one, and she has no handicaps, well that were said in this story. She seems to be the type of person, who will walk by an accident and not see it. Now this is the poster woman for this world, not knowing the unfairness of it, just not wanting to be judged, forgetting that her son was shot right before her eyes, and so on. Compared to the rebellion of Harrison she and others like her are the pathetic beings from the beginning to the end yet they are the ones who have the best lives.
So the ones who are barely there yet always watching are the ones who control those in handicaps are known only as the HG men. They can think as stated “he outgrew them faster than the HG men could think them up”, they aren’t weighed down as was again stated “Diana Moon Grappler rushed in through the door”, and they can order those around because they can intimate those with handicaps for they decide their fates. The ones that go against everything yet are praised are the HG man and women, they do the opposite of what is really wanted, but the people they control are either too stupid are scared to do want they know is right in the back of their small brains.
The pain is too much, he has yelled to all yet they have forgotten, the tormentors have arrived and are about to shoot. Hope is placed in him so that when this order falls that the ones who made us wither will know the pain we have felt, oh look they fired. Being equal and being fair are overturned to a life where not only the stupid are strong but the smart are dead in “Harrison Bergeron” by Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
The Game of the Preacher
"Wow . . . Your insane" "so?" I had put out my point, and preached my word on the bueaty of this game. Of course there was on the air of arrogent and confusen coming from them, I looked at Ali, he was unimpressed with a black look to show it. I grabed my drink and ran with he right next to me, when we hit the outside I stuck out my tounge to grab the lazy snowflakes. Ali pulled a camale out of it's case and lit it, "lord, please tell this man that smoking is bad" Ali just rolled his eyes and I drowned my drink. We just stood then, next to a giant demon statue that I swore wanted to eat me, and watched the snow fall as yet more people cheered. I had finshed me drink and Ali his smoke, we were still just staring as the roar of thousands hit my ears, and I know at that moment that me soul was touched by some higher being. I told Ali this, he calmly looked and said it was about time, we walked to the car and drove home knowing that whatever had happened in that place was just as well.