To all who read this I must state that you shouldn’t play with my flesh no matter how puffy and florescent pink it is. Also the use of pens & pencils only make it worse so please restrain your fascination with the pink floppy mass that covers my arms, legs, face, and every other visible part of my body. Thank you for listening.
Swish, swish, what a lovely winter day, nippy but warm enough. I land and look to see a beast of a bright fiery orange, I hop away into the trees where this gigantic beast follows me. Then "SNAP!" the day turns grey and cold. A voice comes along and calls the dog away, she carries me in her mouth, wings out the sides, to the door where a scream happens followed be another. I'm dropped to the cold tile ground, where a boy picks me up and thunks me in a large plastic bin. So now I wonder if that was the hint where I would be reincarnated into a chew toy?
To be The Princess of The World
The year is 2081 and I sat upon my throne pondering the worth of this human in front of me, "send him to the Pit" my mother's command was met with the joy of my people and the man’s pitiful yells of innocents. Sighing my mother told everyone to bug off, I ran to find my best friend; at least he could help me. "Jay how are you?" my best friend Roy asked, "fine but mom sent another human to the Pit for killing his family" "sucks for him" "true". We went past the garden and to the large lake; I jumped and landed in the murky lake water with a splash. As we played a beast watched me, and when we left the water to head back inside it jumped on Roy and grabbed me. My mouth was covered as I was dragged away for my heavenly home and in to the outer grounds which I had never been except for hunting. The thing holding my mouth closed broke off and I tried to scream but tar, dirt, and smog gagged me. Then we stopped I was throw into a metal wall, hearing a door slam I rushed to open my eyes, I was in a metal cell with no way out. Tears fought to leave me as I saw a letter, tearing it open I read fast and quick the small note. "Dear princess, I hope you like the new home for we will not let you out for some time in less you agree to help us, by choosing to marry us and then we can rule the land and make everything right. You see the land you live on is perfect, so while the rest of suffers with trying to grow food you already have too much. This makes feel anger and sadness knowing the queen in spoiled and trying to let us die. Love from the Rippers,” That was it they would let me die to make me mother give them food and water, I mean I see the pint but it's not are fault the world got poisoned in 2012 and the only good spot belonged to my mum. The guys must be bloody idiots; I have to marry Roy not morons like them. Someone help the princess please!
What Makes a Superhero?
Written by Shea Thomas
What is it that makes a superhero, powers, identity, sidekick, villains, money, or more? Let’s start with a basic thought, powers, a common trait for super heroes is that they must have super powers thus giving them amazing abilities. But in other opinions powers are not as necessary, as weapons and abilities can be all that is needed with maybe help from a team.
Two examples of this are Batman and Green Arrow, Both highly skilled and are part of the Justice League as well as others who are in the debate on powers, Green Lantern and Red Tornado are in it, GL was given the powers of the ring as many other life forms have been given, so he was given his powers from the ring not his own body. Then we have RT, a robot (not android), as he was created with his powers not given, born, or gained. So out of the examples of these heroes it seems to be that so far the are qualified to be called superheros if not viewed in the powers or origin being necessary in the equation.
Now on to the second test with viewing of the hero themselves, things like fame, what side they are on, and identity. Now where to start, how about fame or celebrity; everyone knows about Superman, Batman, Wonder Women but what about Black Canary, Red Tornado, and Hawkgirl or Guy? You see the last four are superheros even without all the fame surrounding them like others, so fame doesn’t decide a hero. Now the sides are hard because there is more then just good and bad, hero-ing isn’t black and white there's lots and lots of grey if you know what I mean. Then identity, this one is somewhat simple but hard to keep down for the heroes. A hero doesn’t always have one but most do, take Hawkgirl of an example, she has giant wings growing out of her back, Hawkguy has the same thing. Red Tornado is a robot, he can’t go out to buy pizza like a normal person because he would attract way to much attention and robots don’t eat pizza. Identity is a good thing for the heroes but it has nothing to do with if there are superhero or not, same as the powers.
What defines these people (or robots) then, what makes them different from villains who have the same thing they do. This is the confusing question because most people can tell the difference between the two. However a wise blogger, has given an answer. “The moral code to which they hold themselves.” (underneath the mask) is the statement that was given, as most hero experts know many villains and supers have similar things like powers or weaponry, but most villains don’t live by a moral code that most heroes follow. What this code says is hard to say, but fans, experts, and makers of superheroes all seem to know that the code is all that brings the world from destruction in comics, cartoons, books, and anywhere else that supers roam.
Meg. "what makes a superhero super?" 19 July 2007. 1 March 2011
Sodaro, Robert. "What makes a Superhero a “Hero”?" 10 December 2010. 1 March 2011
"underneath the mask." 20 March 2006. 21 Febuary 2011